Apply low level laser therapies to your patients
(by Anja Füchtenbusch and Dr. med. Wolfgang Bringmann)
Lasertherapy and Laserpuncture – the user manual with 200 brief instructions for the most frequent indications and with 40 detailed therapy instructions for particularly important indications
This book serves as a quick guide about the range of applications of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and the way it works, offering an easily comprehensible, direct introduction to its practice
Low-level laser therapy activates and accelerates healing processes. Today it is used successfully as a therapy in its own right or in combination with acupuncture and reflex point treatment in nearly all special fields of medicine. This book serves as a quick guide about the way low-level laser therapy (LLLT) works and its range of applications, offering an easily comprehensible, direct introduction to its practice.
More than 200 brief instructions for the most frequent indications in the special fields of traumatology, orthopaedics, neurology, internal medicine, otolaryngology, and dermatology. More than 40 detailed treatment instructions for important indications. Optional supplementary programmes for acupuncture, ear acupuncture, and the treatment with trigger and tender points, among others, with a focus on orthopaedics and physiotherapy.
The therapy instructions are based on recommendations by Dr. med. habil. Wolfgang Bringmann, author of the textbook Low Level Lasertherapie: Licht kann heilen, on user studies by physicians, hospitals and physiotherapists, and on the evaluation of the latest research results as they are documented in the international professional literature.