Broad-area lasers or laser showers are used when laser therapy must be performed on an extended surface. The MKW laser showers were specifically developed for broad-area applications.
- The new laser shower PowerTwin XP5 offers everything modern laser therapy requires: high laser density, interchangeable adapter, preinstalled programmes, large 4-colour display, and last but not least, a Bluetooth interface for wireless communication with the treatment software MKW LASER PRACTICE.
- The laser shower PowerTwin 21 is the latest generation of the laser shower. A total of 21 laser diodes irradiate an area of 55 cm² with maximum laser density. With interchangeable adapter for fast and hygienic handling.
Broad-area lasers are employed as a complementary medical device for the treatment of injuries, inflammations, skin diseases, degenerative changes of the musculoskeletal system, and pain. A broad-area laser is best applied directly on the skin.