Laser therapy is a complementary medical treatment method to aid the body’s own physiological regeneration processes. The international standard and more precise term is low-level laser therapy (LLLT). MKW laser therapy units are low-level laser devices. Contrary to surgical lasers, they have a low energy output.
Studies on the mode of action of low-level laser therapy have been performed since the early 1980s. There is a large body of professional literature on low-level laser therapy. The phenomenon of laser light and laser acupuncture. is studied by researchers around the globe. WALT (the World Association for Laser Therapy) organizes biennial laser congresses where the latest research findings are presented. Even so, low-level laser therapy is still an issue of fierce debate and considered a controversial issue.
- Low-level laser therapy is a therapeutic method of experience-based, natural medicine which in Germany is not a generally acknowledged method of conventional medicine. Nonetheless, low-level laser therapy has made a name for itself among many representatives of alternative medical treatment methods.