Laser acupuncture combines the tried-and-tested treatment method of acupuncture and the most advanced developments in photomedicine, forming a type of therapy that has set a new, groundbreaking benchmark in Western and Far Eastern medicine.
TCM lasers replace acupuncture needles with low-energy laser beams! The principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and hence also the acupuncture points, remain the same. Stimulation with laser beams, however, constitutes a unique treatment method, as the modes of action of acupuncture can be perfectly combined with those of photobiomodulation with the aid of cold laser light.
Laser acupuncture with a laser pen – also called point laser – has been used in low-energy laser therapy (LLLT) for many years to stimulate acupuncture points. Stimulation with laser light triggers the same physiological reactions as the standard stimulation methods of needle acupuncture, electroacupuncture, magnetic acupuncture, and acupressure.